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Cause I can dish it out, but I can’t take it.

Maybe it was the sound of your voice – or the telephone wires that made me miss you so much.
Or I suppose maybe it was the words you fed to me that had been resting on your tongue for far too long.
Or I guess it was just because I was alone again and loneliness is a disease I can’t cure by myself.
I’m in love with the mere fucking thought of being in love again.

Maybe it was really just that I love the way
Your words wrap
Around your lips

And somehow manage to wrap themselves around my ears as well, despite a distracted correspondence through shitty telephone lines.

I can’t keep you safe.

All this time I feel has been wasted into space. I’ve done nothing significant and nothing important. I hate that all I can think about is the way this is all going to end. I hate that I don’t really love you – that youre not my everything – and that I think this half relationship thing is bullshit. Im tired of fucking boys that don’t love me. Im tired of fucking. I have no more energy left in me to be your something special and im sorry, but please go away so I can stop daydreaming our last moments together.

Because my world has become so blank, it hurts.