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these dreams dissolve

my body is aching in the metal silence of all my fears. And I keep thinking the only way that i can keep myself from falling asleep is by digging my fingers into my eye sockets. This is a feeling I wish didn't have to exist. I wish most all of the ways that I'm feeling didn't exist. (especially this unknown feeling) The confusion toward the way i am feeling about you and what i want from us both. This confusion toward each of you that have plucked pieces of my heart right out of my chest and indefinitely become objects of my affection. I wish i could strum on your heartstrings the way mine are being played. and the echoes and chimes will ring from deep down in our core - as to create a momentary song in time. Every connection is just the preview to a life-long symphony. whether you choose to dance to it, or not, is up to you. My eyes are so tired that i believe I've forgotten how to listen - or how to press pause. My eyes are so tired, that i don't care either way.

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